Why did I rate this one star? Because I have been noticing a pattern with cocos games. So they show you the "hundreds of dresses you can apply to your character" and in the pictures you can see that everything is unlocked! OH COOL!!!! THIS LOOKS FUN LET ME DOWNLOAD IT!!! So you open the app and you hit play...but then you are taken to the App Store then safari and the game completely ditches on you, it lagged out! So you say "hey thats probably not normal. So this time it works and you get to the first area of the game, finding you character! THEN YOU DANCE!!! Which was actually pretty fun to put a little positivity in this, but you loose...:/ Then they tell you, you can do better next time and then MAKEOVER TIME!!!!! Oh but wait you have an add for a shooter game!? YIKES!! Then you get to the annoying sounds of the girl your making. Then you continue making the girl with more and more adds that are more pg 13! For a +4 app? Realllly? So you press the check mark and oh it tells you to buy the full version for $8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You could ether buy the full version for like $11.30 or buy the salon for $8.00!!!!!!!! Of course I didnt buy it cause hey why would I spend $1,000,000 on a game that could be freedom from spending your money! So I went to the town area and I had to wait 9 hours (not really it was an hour) to play the game again like actually dance again! I thought the clothes were actually kind of cool but come on all this company really wants is money I might have to play it again to see what happens but DONT GET THIS APPPPPP
PP!!!!!! You will regret buying this app!!! The only app I prefer from coco is their Ava doll app its pretty cool!! BUT DONT GET THIS APP OR ANY APP LIKE THIS!!!!! THERE ALL THE SAME!!!
Grumpy Cat4444 about Coco Party - Dancing Queens